Saturday, March 17, 2012

The NEED to create.....

I have a real burning need to create.  And since I've not finished anything for a few days, I was feeling the need today to CREATE!  So I've had a itch to make the following quilt, so today I did.  The pattern calls for white between the blocks, but I forgot to put it in, so it stays the way it is!  :)   I will add some borders, more to widen it than to lengthen it! 

I just grabbed fabric and didn't pay a lot of attention to the colors etc.  I want to make another and pay more attention to the colors and maybe even use solids.  :)

Anyhow, I'm happy with it.  And yeah, it needs an ironing!

Alrighty, time to clean up and put stuff away!  Then off to sleep.  Have a grand day tomorrow, God Bless,   Anne

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