Friday, May 25, 2012

The List..... again....

Working on my list....   I am making some progress!

4. border my Zig Zag quilt and finish it 
8. Figure out what pattern to use for the fat quarter bundle of Summer Love
10. Finish Hopscotch
11. Start "My Precious" #1 Quilt.  Chopsticks.
12. Start "My Precious" #2
New Goals (like I needed any more goals!)
14. Get both Jelly Roll 1600 quilts to LA quilter to have them quilted.
15. Put together Patriotic Jelly Roll Quilt
16.  Bind Greyhound Quilt when it's done
17.  Put together instructions for Jelly Roll 1600 for quilting group to do.

New Goals:

19. Put border on Stained Glass Quilt
20. Finish 9patch Pizzazz quilt
21. Finish hand quilting baby quilt (girl)
22. Finish Cross Quilt
23. Finish quilting baby quilt (boy)

Let me see, that's 1-3, 5-7, 9, 13, and 18 done, that's 9 things done and off the list.  Not bad for a procrastinator like me!  :)

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