I got a call last night from a really wonderful friend who has helped me out when I had no water and who between him and his wife have become such great friends. About 2 weeks ago he cut his hand pretty bad doing some work around the house with some kind of saw. He got some sutures, actually a lot of sutures since the cut was bad. Anyhow, he came into town this AM and I met him at church and removed his sutures. His hand looks good, the only thing he cut was skin, I'm amazed that he didn't get muscle and nerves and tendons, told him he must have fabulous reflexes... he said the doc who sewed him up said the same thing. Anyhow, got those sutures out and came back home. He was driving to California with his brother and wanted them out early.. I am NOT a person who likes to do early, so meeting him at church was the best way to get it done!
We had a beautiful morning (who day actually) so I took a couple pics of the SUN!
Did some quilting, so I have pics of that to post. Didn't sleep well last night, so I got less done today than I wanted. :)
First I trimmed up all my square to 5.5"
Then I sewed them in pairs and then in 4's. I'll trim all the 4square squares down to 10" and then sew them together.
Here's 1.5 4squares together, not sewn, so they are kind of lopsided. I think ti's going to look very neat! :)
Not sure where my brain was on this one, but it's 1/2 inch too small.. Good grief, good thing I didn't need it to make a 4 square!
Our beautiful morning, before 8am. Love the mist on the mountains.
And here's the stronghold from the church parking lot. So blue and so beautiful! I'm so glad we had a sunny day, I really needed to see the sun today!
Well, that's it, I'm printing up some shipping for collars that go out in the morning. Have a great Friday everyone! God Bless, Anne
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