Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekend again! Beware, this is an "irritated" post. :)

It's the weekend again, hard to believe!  It was COLD this morning, about 42 degrees on my deck when I looked at about 8am.  I put a fairly heavy blanket on the bed last night and stayed toasty warm. 
Yesterday was Choir practice.  I LOVE choir practice.  It gives me a chance to play my guitar with others and have people sing to what I play.  I am slowly improving.
Our Music Director took a direct hit from a choir member yesterday, not physical, but a mental one.  I felt so bad for her.  She really REALLY tries hard. She got a bit teary and it made me kind of irritated at the person who verbally smacked her and left.  But life goes on and so did Choir practice.  "L" tries really hard and does a phenomenal job with what she has to work with.  Yesterday we had 3 musicians (that's us who play instruments, including "L") and 2 people singing.  No one seems to take practice seriously and that's a real shame.  Actually at our parish, it's unfortunate, but many people don't take things seriously.  Some do, but not many.  Such is life I suppose.  Our parish probably has less than 30 families in it, and many of us are one person families.

Had anyone else gotten a TON of spam lately in their Email?  I have been HIT big time and am getting over 50 spam emails a day, new ones.  I must have 2000 email addresses in my blocked email list and now I'm putting about 50 or more new ones in every day.  It's irritating.  (do you see a theme here with the irritating??)

Got an order from one of my dog collar supplies people.  Got it all, but packages inside the box burst and there were parts strewn all over the inside of the box.  Also I bought a small amount of items that were 5 or 10 of each, and they put them in the big bags with the hundreds of other parts.  ARGH!  It was quite irritating!

Got a box of thread from my thread supplier.  And 3 or 4 of the colors I ordered are no longer carried.  They gave me the "part' numbers that were discontinued, but did they give me the colors.  No.  Irritating!

Yes, I'm irritated today.  I didn't sleep really well last night, so I guess I'm just more irritable myself, so the world seems pretty irritating.  :)

Watched a movie last night.  Barbara at Praying For Grace saw this one an liked it.  Saving Sarah Cain.  It REALLY is a great movie.  It's for sure worth watching.  If you haven't watched it, you should.
I rented it from Netflix. 

And speaking of NetFlix, I stopped my subscription to them.  They kept making changes and saying that they emailed all their customers, and dang nab it, they NEVER emailed me.  Not when they raised my price last January, not when they decided to raise the prices this past summer and not this fall when they decided to totally split up the rental of movies they send you and the movies you can download from them and watch.  Irritating!  :)   So I have plenty of movies to watch and Amazon's Prime gives me movies to watch too.  So it's all good.

A block that I made this morning.  I made 3 others, but they aren't done yet.  

Off of Dragoon Road, in Dragoon, there are some really awesome rock formations.  This is just one of them.  Also on I-10 in Texas Canyon there are some great ones, but I didn't get pics of them the other day.  I took these on the way to Sierra Vista when my friend and I were heading to her Eye Doc appointment. 
 This is a picture of the mountains near or backing up the land where the Amerind Foundation is.  Amerind stands for American Indian.  That redish spot on the side of the mountain is copper.  That's probably why copper was so heavily mined in this area years ago.

This is on I-10 heading into Benson, Az.  Benson is in a valley very similar to ours.  Though their valley is lower in elevation than ours.  In other words, it's warmer there today than it is here!!  :)

Ok, that's it for the moment.  I can't think of another thing to talk or grump about!  :)   Hope you are having a delightful weekend.
God Bless.   Anne

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